Monday, August 24, 2009

Encounter with Ghost

In my early tips given I advised people not to start their jogging or walking before 0600 hrs as it is Ghost month now. However I am so use to starting my walking before 6 am or just after as long as I am ready after light Bfast etc.
Last Saturday it was raining in the night and since the air cool and nice I decided to walk even it is quite dark before 6 am with nice walking stick. My walking stick was bought at MT WUYI in FUJIAN about 15 years and so far walkers whom I met seem to like this walking stick of mine.
After 10 minutes I reached the big play ground with basket ball court and a badminton court. The basket ball court is the place a group of senior citizens gather after 6am doing their exercises with music on etc. The badminton court only occupy a smaller group during the weekend for Kung FU practice etc after 6.30 am.
I walking at the roadside and I saw 2 person in white practice Kung Fu slowly and it was quite dark. Just after a few steps I re look again but there was not even a single person, I look around I just could not see any person around the play ground and the 2 persons I saw cannot walk that fast and just vanish in the air... immediately I know it is GHost.. my hair on both hands started to stand and my skin become sore and rough like there is bubble.
My next encounter was the next morning SUN as I started walking earlier at around 5.30 am. This time after reaching a straight long straight road I saw one figure walking walking at the far end to ward me and I could see it as it was walking near a lamp post. My usual style beside looking forward and all other side road etc however I never look backward unless I hear a motor bike or car sound coming from behind just to prevent from being rob in the early morning.
It was just only a few seconds when I look forward to the front but there no more a figure walking toward me, I immediately walker faster forward but looking at a side road I could see any figure, I knew it was a GHOST as usual my whole body had the same type of feelings.

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